who we work with

  • Campaigns

    With over 14 combined years of experience on electoral campaigns, we specialize in developing leaders in this space. We have led multilayered, 250+ person campaign teams, supervising both senior and junior managers. The challenges that campaign staff face are specific, intense, and often time-bound; we believe that the support provided must be tailored to meet the demands of their work environments.

  • Progressive Organizations

    We are excited to support people working to make the world a better place, informed by the understanding that mission-driven work environments come with distinct challenges. Leaders at progressive organizations need development from professionals who understand what it takes to lead teams who deliver results under the pressure that comes with knowing their work has significant, real-life consequences.

  • Political Firms

    From interfacing with campaigns and clients to managing internal dynamics, political consulting firms manage a wide range of responsibilities and navigate a complex ecosystem of people. As political professionals, we are uniquely equipped to support political consulting firms because we understand and appreciate their role.

our clients

Logo for the Democratic National Committee.
Logo for Relentless.
Logo for Val Demings' US Senate campaign.
Logo for the Colorado Democratic Party.
Logo for the Florida Democratic Party.